Do YOU want To Sell Your House This Spring? Price It Right.

Saturday Apr 15th, 2023

Selling a home this Spring

Do YOU want To Sell Your House This Spring? Price It Right. Over the past year, there have been big changes in the home market. Even though it's still a sellers' market, homes that are priced right are selling, and buyers are most interested in those. If you want to sell your house this spring, it's important to get help from a professional real estate agent when setting a price.   As explained by “Move-in-ready homes with curb appeal and in... [read more]

Appleton Realtor March 2023 Housing Market Update

Monday Mar 20th, 2023

March Market Update - Maybe

  We're in a time right now where there are a lot of questions, a lot of concerns, and a lot of uncertainty.We started off the year sort of seeing good buyer demand and good activity in the market. Interest rates dipped down into the fives, but bad economic news and inflation came with the higher rates, and we are currently hovering around 6.5-7%.  Sam Khater from Freddie Mac said, "The economy is showing signs of resilience, mainly due to consumer spending and... [read more]

Have Home Values Hit Bottom?

Saturday Jan 21st, 2023

Brand new suburban house in sunny summer afternoon.House hunting.

Have Home Values Hit Bottom?     Whether you’re already a homeowner or you’re looking to become one, the recent headlines about home prices may leave you with more questions than answers. News stories are talking about home prices falling, and that’s raising concerns about a repeat of what happened to prices in the crash in 2008. One of the questions that’s on many minds, based on those headlines, is: how much will... [read more]

Win with Homeownership

Monday Feb 27th, 2023

Homeownership wealth building infograph

Homeownership Builds Your Wealth over Time [INFOGRAPHIC]   Some Highlights If you’re thinking of buying a home this year, be sure to factor in the long-term benefits of homeownership. On average, nationwide, home prices appreciated by 288.7% over the last 32 years. That means homeowners grow their net worth significantly in the long term. Homeownership wins over time. Let’s connect so you can start your... [read more]


Interactive & Adjustable Home Value Pages Putting Sellers in Control! Note: The estimate(s) shown, which come from one or more automated valuation model providers independent of WizardsofRealEstate.Com, represent information that may provide a helpful starting point for discussions with a real estate agent.


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