New Year to Get a New Home: Making It Happen in 2025
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A lot of people take this time to think about the past year and make plans for the coming one. Think about what you want your 2025 to be like. One thing that might come to mind is moving into a new house. How do you get there, though? How do you begin?
Here are some tips that will help you get going.
Keep YOUR Why in Mind
Pay attention to your "why" in order to start a solid plan. The numbers are important, but what makes you want to move is even more important. Your family may need more space, you may want to sell your home so you can downsize/upsize, or you may finally be ready to buy your first home. No matter what your reason is, push it to the front of your mind.
What keeps you going is your "why." Tell your Fox Cities, WI Realtor what drives you, and no matter what the market is like, they will use their knowledge to help you reach your goal. A great Realtor by your side (...ahem...) will help you reach your goal, solve problems, and keep you going until you reach it.
Make Sure YOU Know What YOU Need
After that, you should decide what your next home should have. What number of bedrooms and bathrooms do you need? Is the fact that you don't have a home office a deal-breaker? I mean a big backyard with a fence also sounds good to me, but would that missing piece prevent you from moving forward? The main point is it's much easier to look for homes when you know what you need and what you'd like to have.
Having a clear idea of your essential things ahead of time is important. The precise location might not be so important as long as it meets all your other needs. Your Realtor will be able to help you find homes that meet your needs and stay within your budget if you talk about these important things with them ahead of time.
Get to Know Your Numbers
Check your pocketbook first before you jump in. How much cash do you have saved up? What regular payment would make you feel good? Knowing your budget ahead of time will help you figure out what you can do.
The best way to do this is to work with a local Realtor, a local lender, and other real estate professionals you can trust. They are going to help you:
Make a plan for your down payment and look into programs that can help you if needed
If a current home owner: Learn about the value of your home and how you can use it to help you make your next move if you decide to sell
Find out how much you can borrow for a mortgage (preapproval)
Trust a Professional to Show You the Way
You don't have to do it by yourself if you don't know where to begin. A Realtor can help you buy or sell a home, as they know what you need to do and how to get through the process. They can also answer any questions you have along the way. This is what Dehan's (2024) article at Bankrate says:
“. . . now more than ever, it’s smart to lean on the guidance of an experienced local real estate agent. If you want to enter the housing market in 2025, whether as a buyer or a seller, let a pro lead the way for you.”
Don't forget that buying or selling is a big deal and a great goal for this year. If you have the right expert on your team, you'll be confident and ready to pave the way to your ultimate goal. Becoming a home owner!
In Conclusion
Now is the time to start if one of your goals for 2025 is to buy or sell a home. Get clear on your "Why," know what you need, and get in touch with professionals you can trust to make it happen. Let's work together to make this the year the one in which you reach your real estate goals.
Dehan, A. (2024, December 10). Housing market predictions for 2025. Bankrate.

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